Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Hello, friends!

Did you wonder where I was?  Hope so!  How could I miss my annual blog post?  It might be (small woof) a TAD late, but I couldn't miss it!  There are always good things going on here, even in a pandemic!

My loving Grandma and I have fun together all the time.  It was exciting to put up decorations again.  The spring weather was so nice I could have howled (if I were a howling dog), and I was as helpful as I usually am.

I had been keeping her - and myself - very busy with all my work projects.  That was before the adventure began.

Here is Yours Truly at the library's Paws to Read program - the last one before the nasty ol' Covid got ugly and everything was shut down.  We were told to shelter at home.  Thankfully, Grandma has a nice shelter to shelter in.  

So... in May of last year, we decided to call my birthday party COVID CAPERS.  Here I am, peeking out the window.  What was going on?  How in the world could I have a party?

Wow!  People came to visit me on the patio!  They wore their masks and came  all by themselves, one at a time, in spite of liking each other (actually, I guess it was because of liking each other.)  It turned out to be fun after all.

This is Sandy F.  (I imagine you know which one is who.)

And this is Sandy H.  Isn't it nice that humans have last names?  It makes everything much more organized.

Marty came masked up so that no one could tell which of us was the canine.  I thought that was fun of her.

And this is Jan...

...and this is Jone!

Here is Suzanne....

...and meet Marilyn!  Don't I have a lot of nice friends?

We had a quiet year after that...  maybe not doing a whole lot, but enjoying each other's company.  Last Christmastime it was Grandma, Muffin, Kimmi, Yours Truly... and the light-up dog (who is kind of a friend).


Dr. Fauci showed up, too - almost with a mask and certainly social distancing way up there on the tree.

The Christmas Feast was dinner for one, but the kitties and I got special treats....

and Yours Truly got to be Santa Paws - er, Claws - er - Claus!

I guess my Santa-self gave my dog-self a lot of presents, didn't I?

January First, Two Thousand Twenty-One - hooray!  May it be better than the year before!  Please notice that I am wearing my pearls with my collar and tie. 

I know I'm not the only creature in the world who has a birthday.  Here's my friend Roland.  He has a birthday, too!

Papa Jack has a birthday every year, too, so we certainly remembered his.  After all, he always remembers mine...

At last it was May, and I would be THIRTEEN ON THE THIRTEENTH!  I have officially retired from pet therapy (I'll let the younger whippersnappers do the work) and I can have more time with my Grandma and my friends.

Of course, it's mandatory to dress up for my day.

I couldn't have a birthday without seeing my special friend Deb!  My other best buddy, Alexa, decided to take a nap instead of coming, but that's all right.  When you're thirteen, you know how important naps are.

Here is the person I love the most in the whole wide world!  (And I don't mean me.)

She likes to have a photograph taken of us together every year.  I like to help. 

Grandma, the kitties, and I hope you ALL are having a wonderful year with your families, your friends, your dogs, your cats, your... whatever.  God willing, I will have another birthday party next May!  Rrrrowwwwf!

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